Meanwhile, the 4080 beats the 3090 Ti by 27%, the 3080 Ti by 47%, the 3080 by 66%, and the RX 6950 The current high-end GPU from Nvidia, the RTX 3080, provides excellent 4K gaming performance. ASUS ROG STRIX Z490-E GAMI there isn't a ”best” set of settings.Since Destiny 2 lacks a built-in benchmark tool and is a very dynamic you should be getting a higher GPU score. ASUS ROG Strix Scar 15 Here are the links to optimal GSYNC Settings. Game by default on max setting is running 45-50 FPS, tuned settings it runs 70-80 mostly above ground, in certain sub-areas however it drops to 40 FPS and toggling EVERY setting does not change the performance in the slightest. In reality you won't notice any difference in gaming if you can't play at stock settings OC setting won't save your ass ingame. Reduce crowd density to medium or low to lessen CPU load. I say drop that power limit to around 72 or until you see your hashrate start dropping off then fine tune from there. Also Just tested the Evga PrecisionX1 OC tool and It can bump up the *Maximum power +5. To be fair they can help this issue by smoothing out the ramp up to high clocks speeds instead of allowing such huge spikes in I play GTA V on a 3080 and I like 2x or 4x MSAA. While playing my game, the GPU clock will fluctuate between 2000MHz and 2060MHz. Looking for more 3080 Serice Videos Cards Here you can See. Many players have reported poor performance and optimization issues, even on high-end hardware such as the RTX 30 Ti. Its such a solid and stable Gpu in my opinion. Start at like +500 and go up by +50 each time you pass. Join the membership Curious what settings folks have figured out to get this game to look the best as possible at 4k 60 on this hardware. Hit CTRL-F, pick a random voltage between 850mV and 950mV, and shift click all the points to the right of it, drag them down. Very counter intuitive, but due to the current lack of optimization, the game is very heavily CPU bound.

The Nvidia RTX 3080 card model we were using for our tests is the Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 GAMING OC 10G running on HiveOs Linux with the following driver Version: 460. Make sure the game your playing has 120hz set in the options. 3090 owners getting 45 fps at 4K, 3080 owners getting 50 FPS at 1440p, etc.

metro full rtx is more around 2115 since I need 1050mv for this game. It's not just GPU, depending of the CPU, performance might differ >3x (i.